The End War

Life is full of struggles. But a man’s life is defined by only one – the ‘End War’. It is the war that does one of two things: either it erases the memory of a person or it makes an immortal legend

We all have to fight this war. And the stakes are the higher than they’ve ever been. If you win, you get to rule the world. If you lose, you become a slave to your own fate. Under such insurmountable pressure and breath taking odds, the fighting is a bloodbath. The ‘End War’ puts brain, brawn and endurance to a gruesome test. And the test is tiring.

You’ll keep swinging your sword, slashing one enemy after the other. And yet the horde keeps on coming. The enemy is seemingly endless. It feels there’s no light after the night. But wait. All that terrible, tiring sword swinging has made your body magically stronger. You get so used to the fear that you don’t feel it anymore.

And then it happens. A new light appears. Not from the sky, but from your own heart. Then you realise that the night isn’t about the darkness that you see, it is about the darkness that you feel. And when you find victory over the darkness inside, the darkness outside becomes a friend. Your fear dies out completely and with a fresh surge of valour, you tear through all of your enemies. An endless horde suffers the wrath of one determined man. And is decimated.

After your sword meets no more flesh, you stop the swinging. It is over. And then you climb the hill to plant your banner – to let the world know, that you are a victor. You look to the horizon, the sun isn’t up yet. But it doesn’t matter to you, for you’ve found the light.

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